Thursday, May 10, 2012


What do you call your first cousin's son? Second cousin? Cousin once-removed?  Who knows....

We call Adin plain old "cousin" and it is working just great. Today Adin got to come over and play with Dawson and Desmond while Sam and Brandon hit up a movie. We had a fabulous time strolling over to Macey's for some frozen yogurt (the flavor of the day was Apricot Mango and it was DELISH).

Dawson is getting so independent, he got to walk the entire way while the babies rode in the double stroller. On our journey home Dawson met a bus driver and saw inside a school bus! I'm sure he won't find this as exciting in 10 years. We were also blessed to see a  backhoe loader, a garbage truck, a pile of ants, a stick/sword, and a very scary butterfly.

Check out those scuffed-up knees...100% boy.

A walk to Macey's isn't complete without a brief stop at the park. The babies loved swinging while Dawson made "houses" in the wood chips. FYI: I'm a budding expert at sliver removal (thanks for including that in my upbringing, Dad.)

Adin doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. He was having a great time!
My endlessly sunny Desmond.

 What a wonderfully quaint life. :)

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