Saturday, July 11, 2009

50 Things that Trump a Shower

Folks, I am alive.

I just wanted to clear that up since I haven't updated my blog since Pre-Baby Life.

Its interesting how I can now split my life into three sections. Pre-Marriage, Pre-baby, and Motherhood. This third phase could also be called "The Dirty House Era" or "Never Done Hair Phase." Unfortunately, neither of those sounds as melodic and appealing as "Motherhood." Plus, this phase is unending. It will be overlapped with "Grandmotherhood" and hopefully "Great-grandmotherhood," but "Motherhood" is here to stay. With that in mind, it would be a shame to title it the "Never Done Hair Phase." Some miracle may occur in the future where I get enough personal time to primp, and then the title would be irrelevant!

As much as I hate not knowing if my hair will be done by nightfall, I was prepared for that probability before baby came. Some experiences are so constantly talked about by mothers that it was ingrained in me that both me and my house would be a wreck, I would change lots of diapers, and I would wake up all night long. I like to look and smell nice, but there are things that eclipse my hygiene desires. Here are a few:

1: Smelling my clean, lotioned baby.
2: Bathing with baby before bedtime.
3: Playing peek-a-boo
4: Walking with baby around the neighborhood in the evening
5: Watching hip-hop music videos to soothe baby.
6: Taking 30 mins to change a diaper because I'm having too much fun making goo-goo sounds and making baby smile.
7: Rocking for hours while baby sleeps.
8: Laying with baby next to me kicking me in his sleep.
9: Having tummy time and practicing rolling over.
10: Reading animal books with baby
11: Cuddling with my husband while he feeds the baby
12: Cuddling with my husband after baby is in bed.
13: Pulling inch long boogers out of baby's nose (weird, I know, but its strangely rewarding.)
14: Waking up with baby watching me sleep.
15: Getting a big burp out of baby without even trying.
16: Kissing baby's tummy over and over.
17: Tickling his head while he drifts to sleep.
18: Singing primary songs to soothe him.
19: Hearing huge baby farts that are bigger than a grown man's.
20: Remembering and reciting nursery rhymes I knew as a child.
21: Talking about poop color and consistencies with other moms.
22: Finding out the weight and height of my baby.
23: Dressing baby in cheesy, yet adorably, baby clothes.
24: Dressing baby in miniature-man clothes (jeans, button up shirts, polos, etc.)
25: Watching baby play with his tongue.
26: Watching baby suck on his hands.
27: Playing with my baby's "finger-toes".
28: Listening to baby's heart beat.
29: Having a conversation with baby ("how was your night, Dawson?" "goo ga" "Oh really?" "oooo ooo aaah")
30: Wrapping baby up in a hooded towel and cuddling him after a bath.
31: Watching him play under a play gym and swing at toys above him.
32: Feeding him a warm bottle and dozing off in the rocking chair.
33: Being tickled by baby on my hands and arms while I feed him.
34: Watching baby kick his legs everywhere while he tries to fart/poop.
35: Having my cheek and shoulders sucked on when baby isn't getting a bottle fast enough.
36: Watching all my family love baby.
37: Eating a bowl of cereal while baby entertains himself with toys.
38: Watching baby smile in his sleep.
39: Seeing baby's first smile
40: Hearing baby's first giggles.
41: Bouncing baby on my knee for hours while watching TV
42: Talking "baby stuff" with my mom, sister, mother-in-law, husband, and friends.
43: Letting baby pick which diaper he wants (Do you want Elmo? {no smile} How about Zoe? {no smile} Big Bird? {smile} Big Bird it is!)
44: Helping baby feel textures of objects.
45: Showing baby the "other baby" in the mirror.
46: Taking baby on walks with my husband
47: Sitting next to the carseat on long drives.
48: Calming down baby when no one else can.
49: Sitting outside on a blanket with baby and toys.
50: Rocking my baby to sleep everynight knowing I get to do it all again in the morning.


Joe , Larisa , and Abigail said...

oh my goodness! VERY well put! there's nothing better than being a mommy :)

Bootsky said...

Thanks Riss! I'm glad you could relate and that you enjoyed reading it. And I agree with you, being a mommy is tops!